1: Strange Companions (8.2)
Gye-ol-bu, said how it looks, is a respectful Ondoko term for their pastor-priestesses.
EggsIt is said that just by being present, one can radically change a social situation. Putting this to the test are the various eggs of Kaian — not quite characters, but containing sentient beings with individual character, as potential as it may be. Comics: 45 |
Sisterhood of The FenzartholThe Sisterhood of the Fenzarthol consider themselves adoptive daughters of a Goddess who can only be referred to by the inaccurate name Fenzara. If She is referred to by true name, the person who speaks the name will die. The name is kept a closely guarded secret, and carefully coded fragments of it constitute the Sisterhood’s immensely powerful spell book. There is a warrior class of the Sisterhood that goes by a different name. Comics: 9 |
SoniaAvvu’s mother. Comics: 401 |
Gye-ol-bu, said how it looks, is a respectful Ondoko term for their pastor-priestesses.
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