1: Strange Companions (85.2)
… aaand part 2 of today’s page! Wow, that’s a good feeling. Don’t often get to publish more than one entry. ^_^;
… aaand part 2 of today’s page! Wow, that’s a good feeling. Don’t often get to publish more than one entry. ^_^;
Kinda largish strip today!
dzruhmfgi A “go-getter” or a “mover & shaker” — someone who influences society, sometimes by exciting disruption Ilon exclaims, “Hello!” the way one does taken aback.
“Hello!” used here by Ilon as an expression of greeting something surprising. Conifer type entities are so called ‘mountain trees’. HAO| (how-[glottal stop]) mountain (NAL) HAC (hwahch) tree (NAL)
kavodznek(o) (NAL) Rebellion with a hint of sabotage — as the protesting students are accused of epitomizing, anyway. EM OV! Aem ov! (NAL) (am OHV) “Yeah, girl.” Not as encouraging an exclamation as it sounds. In Pærth political society, ‘girl’[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…