1: Strange Companions (74)
I feel a bit better and I fixed my computer cord. Here is last week’s strip I owed you, and a bonus strip to make up for it. That’s a full page! Yay! Next week … another full-sized image …
I feel a bit better and I fixed my computer cord. Here is last week’s strip I owed you, and a bonus strip to make up for it. That’s a full page! Yay! Next week … another full-sized image …
Pbycho iemnyo honadieip. (Ondoko) (PPAH-ee-choh ee-YEHMN-yoh HOH-nahd-yeh-eep) lit. ‘My clawtoe doesn’t exist.’ Kind of like our “I wash my hands of this” meets “I was never involved“. Since Jeenare have a conspicuously pointed toenail, I am calling it a clawtoe.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Aop is trying to read something like a telepathic address. Happy Birthday to Jill!
“Hello!” used here by Ilon as an expression of greeting something surprising. Conifer type entities are so called ‘mountain trees’. HAO| (how-[glottal stop]) mountain (NAL) HAC (hwahch) tree (NAL)
Double-sized entry this week; no update next Tuesday.
hermonig (NAL) (hair-MOH-NEI-eeg) literally, group — but used to refer to “unisex” chambers Just a little language note. It’s not very important for translation but the onomatopoeic “No-oh” somewhat captures the tonal negative in Ondoko. The most common variation is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Aop’s instructor holds a lgaomnuahte (rrow-mnoo-watt-TAY) — an adjustable model of the long Kaian day, traditionally constructed of elaborate cloth and treated wood techniques. qwspuz qwuhshpuuz (Ondoko) (kwuhss-SHPOOZ) fluidity
ofaia (NAL) (oh-FYE-ah) A sort of placeholder word, like “well then …” or “but …”
mnugapwee (Ondoko) beneficence Aop hears the word fatum for the first time and as such ze recalls its elongated sound as “fatoom”.