2: Fruits of Kaian (333.3)
Something isn’t entirely alright in the empire
Something isn’t entirely alright in the empire
Aop has finally made it to zer freedom! Not all the trouble is over, of course, but can you imagine what it must feel like to be a runaway slave? Meanwhile Ilon isn’t feeling quite as free as before, while[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
foutboituz (Lore) (foh-wuht-bo-wee-tooz) To be “in” this sense is to be running on automatic, or without thinking. Ilon tries to interpret the Thilxians’ interview process and only makes out a few words though they honor him by speaking in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
uvusuig (NAL) (oov-oos-hwihg) As mentioned before, this essentially means clusterfuck or sex between the three genders; however it’s colloquially borrowed as a stand in for just about any dirty talk. kyaowata (Ondoko) (kyow-WHA-tah) “Please!” and/or “Be my guest.” The Old[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Pærthian pun somewhat holds up in English. The long protest sign reads: ZTUODTDREHJ KWNI KAINLATGAM! (Zthoo-OHDZ-th-DZREH-hh-j KUH-nee kyne-LAHT-gkahm) or “War-heads out of School!” heit (heh-eet) is a general word for rodents, but it’s particularly common to refer to squirrel-like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…