Posts Tagged government
2: Fruits of Kaian (258.2)
1: Strange Companions (90.1)
1: Strange Companions (85.2)
… aaand part 2 of today’s page! Wow, that’s a good feeling. Don’t often get to publish more than one entry. ^_^;
1: Strange Companions (64.1)
skudjaab (Ondoko) (skhoo-DZRAHB) “Good” or “Impressive” or “Awesome” The Ivergaji (NAL), or Beyondsiders, appear to be from somewhere somehow connected with Kaian. They might be called “interdimensionals” in English.
1: Strange Companions (62.3)
Giyolbunypryuh (Ondoko) (ghee-yohl-BOON-aye-PRAYE-uh) An impish monk, after a comedic character from Ondo myth.
1: Strange Companions (57.1)
One nejeevek is a significant percentage across the entire surface of the world, but Ilon forgets he himself flew an equivalent distance. Whew! Barely finished it this week. Had some troubles uploading with Schiphol airport wifi but Keflavík’s works like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (56.1)
belkrn (BAYL-kurn) (Lore dialect) It functions here a bit like “pal”. Even stranger: making a first impression after the second?