Posts Tagged Lore
ZO VELTUTA RUTAAV. Zo velthutha ruuthav. (NAL) (zoh vehlth-oo-THAH roo-THAHV) A gracious “I thank you.” Hopefully it’s clear enough that Sonia’s quote is merely a line from a popular molzee.
1: Strange Companions (81.1)
1: Strange Companions (75)
1: Strange Companions (61.2)
1: Strange Companions (50.1)
To see the coral is to either “see the writing on the wall” or to otherwise see clearly. kuhji (NAL) One hundred millionth of a Kaian year — about half a second. (The same word for the duration is quikpad[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
borsÓlez borshyalez (Ondoko) (bohr-SHYAH-layz) Aop “misimagines” the pronunciation of the Ondo word for nera (lale gendered version of niece/nephew — see: WORLD). Luckily, psychic communication forgives more “typos” and zer aunties would have likely “heard” what ze meant. KYKI| kuhki|[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (33.1)
shwawkojeow SÉko jeA O (shwah-KOH-jay-OW) Ondoko for “squatter” — literally, “croucher”. Ilon encounters a roving army from some past battle on Ataga. Its lemoforms — often just called “shades” when one doesn’t want to get close enough[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…