Posts Tagged Lores
15 results.
2: Fruits of Kaian (381.1)
on December 17, 2024
2: Fruits of Kaian (380.1)
on December 10, 2024
Sonia’s reference to “his” lore is part of the somewhat ingrained gender arrangement of Paerth’s sexist society, which sees “the middle sex” as a means for the man to secure a family.
1: Strange Companions (103)
on October 22, 2019
For some reason, Sonia uses the Ondoko “thanks” when her jacket is taken. Perhaps she subconsciously realizes Aop is there. E lapn heh ay-LAH-puhn-HAY-(glottal stop) “I feel grateful”
1: Strange Companions (85.2)
… aaand part 2 of today’s page! Wow, that’s a good feeling. Don’t often get to publish more than one entry. ^_^;