Posts Tagged Ships
1: Strange Companions (93)
Not that it’s crucial to know at this point, but the gender of the merfae that surfaces to hold the winner of the flutter race has traditionally indicated the side of the world that they favor for the duration of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (86.1)
Aop has finally made it to zer freedom! Not all the trouble is over, of course, but can you imagine what it must feel like to be a runaway slave? Meanwhile Ilon isn’t feeling quite as free as before, while[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (85.1)
When I have translated this Pærthian fae’s words, it is not meant to be a nominal reference to Herr Mesmer of “mesmerism”. The actual reference: RJRKAFGOE rjrkafgoae (rrj-RRG-kahf-goh-WAE) “-fgoæ” is like the English suffix “-er” to make a doer of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (77.2)
Tulrat speech is heard by most faeries as something like the shuffling of sticks on cloth, and they would not be able to translate the meaning. However, we do have a couple Ondoko words here referring to Aop’s training in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (76.2)
1: Strange Companions (76.1)
So it seems the posting marathon is slowing down, but here is a double strip for this week!
1: Strange Companions (73.2)
gusheowshol (Ondoko) (GOO-shay-ah-osh-OHL) A Chivsett slang word for “crewmembers” or maybe “ladies” quabrahieh (Ondoko) (kwa-BRAH-hee-yeh) Lit. “Sorry to intrude” but actually the most typical Western greeting
1: Strange Companions (73.1)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Solstice! A “Tulratter” is a Tulrat trader. “Umorik’s daughters” is a joke on the followers of the Church of Fenzar, which is said to worship the daughters of the giantess Umorik. Both terms are[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (70.2)
Happy May Day everyone!