Posts Tagged Spirits
This page concludes Chapter One. I am still finishing up the music video interlude before Chapter Two, so there may be a delay longer than two weeks before I post it (and so begin the next chapter). I hope you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (87.2)
Some first person perspective panels for Sonia and Ilon here. Bearing in mind that much of this is colored by Sonia’s and Ilon’s memories as we arrive to their “present” at the end of the chapter. Ilon’s skin has become[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (76.2)
1: Strange Companions (75)
1: Strange Companions (74)
I feel a bit better and I fixed my computer cord. Here is last week’s strip I owed you, and a bonus strip to make up for it. That’s a full page! Yay! Next week … another full-sized image …
1: Strange Companions (61.3)
BaI O teI A O Bayoteyow (Ondoko) (bah-YOH-tay-ee-AH-oh) A male-policing authority in the Ondokoan government; sometimes called “guynappers” for their tendency to net first, justify[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (42.2)
“Hello!” used here by Ilon as an expression of greeting something surprising. Conifer type entities are so called ‘mountain trees’. HAO| (how-[glottal stop]) mountain (NAL) HAC (hwahch) tree (NAL)
1: Strange Companions (33.2)
huittuu (HWEET-too) “snake” (Ondoko) A common pest of some Lajal ships.