Instead of the update on Thursday, here’s a full page today! Happy October!
Posts Tagged time
2: Fruits of Kaian (236.1)
Technically it is still Tuesday in Arizona! And so as you can see I have clearly honored the Tuesday update! Yes. (Sorry about the delay. Full-time job things.) Becka makes a joke regarding the common Eastern greetings “Djaga djema” or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (57.3)
There are three-thousand voting delegates in the accord for all nations. It is supposed to be equally portioned to all societies but lately Lore societies have been getting the squeeze. After Sonia mentions Deathlanders (the literal translation of a common[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1: Strange Companions (39.1)
Aop’s instructor holds a lgaomnuahte (rrow-mnoo-watt-TAY) — an adjustable model of the long Kaian day, traditionally constructed of elaborate cloth and treated wood techniques. qwspuz qwuhshpuuz (Ondoko) (kwuhss-SHPOOZ) fluidity