Knights of the 5th Dimension (Trade)


This battle will require more than dreamers … our world needs Knights

From the minds of Walter Flanagan (Batman: The Widening Gyre, AMC’s Comic Book Men, Tell ’em Steve-Dave), writer Casey Van Heel (Palooka, The Civil Four), and colorist Wayne Jansen (Metro, Cryptozoic Man) and published by Blue Juice Comics (The Accelerators, Anne Bonnie, Æther & Empire) comes this true love letter to Bronze Age comic book characters that still adorn comic book shelves, movie screens, and TV sets everywhere.

Though my role was only inking Walter’s super tight retro pencils to represent the in-world retro era, I must say that reading the completed work increased my appreciation of classic comics. It’s a lovely story that I recommend to anyone curious about the mysterious appeal of pop culture comics, and I’m thrilled to own a personal copy. (Sorry that this means one less volume available in the shop!)



Years ago, William enlisted the help of up-and-coming Kurt Gideon to carry on his legacy, as creator of the famous Psychedelic Knights and their comic adventures: Professor Amorphous, the Damned Yankee, wild orphan Kree-Gah, bible-thumping robot J0N 3:16, and the great Spiral Architect.

Little did he realize inheriting creative control was not just a “gig” but a vigil against timeless evil from entering our world.


• All 4 full-color, lushly illustrated issues
• fold-out page just to display an epic panel
• immersive bonus illustrations “from the world of Knights”
• Original concept art, introduction, and loving tribute to the life model for Kurt

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Softback, Hardback